Thursday, December 9

Hip Hip Hooray!

just as an FYI, I have "turned in" this project (my blog) so i'm probably going to get a lot more lax with my capitalization and stuff. I'd rather not have to press shift. even though I keep doing almost every time I type "I". weird.

Anyway, today is the last day of classes (insert huge sigh of relief). I have turned all my last projects and papers and whatever else.  All I need to do is take my 5 finals, make sure everything is set for the wedding, and move everything out of my apartment in the next week. Not too bad, considering everything else I've had to do lately.

I've also spent way too much time in the library today and yesterday. I think combined it was about 13 hours, based on how many hours I used on Pandora.
Also, I only got four hours of sleep last night, and I haven't found a job yet.

Life is awesome. And I'm being serious. Life is awesome when you are 12 days away from getting married.

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