Wednesday, December 8

Blessed to be at BYU

At this very moment, I'm sitting in the Periodicals section of the Harold B. Lee Library.  This is often the dreaded area, where you only come to sit and study for hours.  But this time, I'm looking around a little differently.  I see people with their heads bent, cramming in all the knowledge they can.  I see a few people chatting, and one person who has given up, asleep on top of all their books.  We're all different, these people and me.  Some are married, and some have served missions.  Every one of us is from a different place and has a different life story.  There is one thing though that connects us all though, and it is our religion.

BYU is truly a unique and special place.  There are tons of silly stereotypes and stigmas (such as being a freshman bride).  When you really get down to it though, we're all here to gain an education in the best way possible.  I've lived on the East Coast my entire life (and I'm not saying that I'm such a stronger and better person that you for it) where there are few members.  I remember going to girls' camp for the first, and just marveling at the fact that we were all LDS.  I couldn't believe it - so many people my own age who believed the same thing I did!  I loved having that, and I knew that's what I wanted for a college experience too.  People I know from high school have posted pictures on Facebook which show that the weekends are full of drinking and who knows what.  I'm glad I'm not a part of that whatsoever.  I love being on this campus and feeling like I belong.  Even though there are thousands upon thousands of people here that I don't know, that's okay.  They all bring something wonderful with them.

Another awesome thing about BYU are the classes.  The religion classes I've taken so far have been wonderful.  Where else could I take such in depth Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants classes?  Besides the religion classes though, most of the classes work religion in somehow, even if it's just saying a prayer to begin the class.  I've learned so much since coming here, and meet some of the most amazing people.  If I had to choose it all over again, I would still come to this school, without a doubt.

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