Wednesday, January 5

Wonderful Wedding!

So, as pretty much every single person who reads this blog knows (since it's mostly family), I am now a married woman!  The last few weeks have been crazy and busy, but it was all totally worth every second. 

Here's a rundown of what has happened in the past two and a half weeks.
  • I received my endowment
  • I was sealed to my amazing husband
  • Chris and I spent a few nights in the nicest hotel either of us have ever been in
  • Chris and I went on a cruise
  • We attended my brother-in-law's sealing
  • We went home to MA
  • Put on an open house
  • Had time to be with family for a couple of days, minus Erica and Spencer :(
  • Flew back to Utah
  • Opened wedding presents
  • Working on finishing moving in and organizing the new apartment
  • Took back multiple gifts, and got things we actually use
  • Started classes
  • Had a job interview
Thankfully, I'm not tired whatsoever, and I loved the break, even though we were on about 7 different planes throughout the break. I will hopefully update more about the cruise and the wedding day itself, when I have all the pictures up.  For now, here is a sneak peak from the temple pictures! (It's also one of two that I've seen from the temple.)


Kimi said...

Crazy times but wonderful too! How did the job interview go, and what was it for?

Jenna said...

I love that picture!

Erica said...

More pics!More pics! More pics!

Andrea Wyss said...

I haven't even seen the rest of the pictures yet! I am supposed to get them on Saturday though.

Lexi said...

you mean you didn't "take out your endowments"?

haha that was such a funny conversation.